- Cost: $125 pass or fail.
- Passing score: 849/1000.
- Number of questions: 45-55.
- Time limit: 75 minutes.
- Questions are a composite of multiple choice (single answer/multiple answer),
fill in the blank, drag 'n drop, and router simulations.
- Form based with no review of the questions.
- Visit the
Cisco web site for the latest info.
- You can register at www.2test.com.
- CCNA certifications are valid for three years. (Advancing to the next level (CCNP)
automatically renews the CCNA certification.)
- Install, configure, and operate a simple LAN, WAN, and switched LAN.
- Be able to configure IP, IPX, IGRP, RIP, Serial / Ethernet Interfaces, VLANs, and Access Lists.
- Install and configure a Network using TCP/IP and IPX/SPX routed protocols.
- Provide remote access by integrating dial-up connectivity with traditional and remote
LAN-to-LAN access.
- Thorough understanding of the OSI model.
- WAN protocols such as ISDN, PPP, HDLC, and Frame Relay.
- Subnet masking of IP networks.
Page Updated: 25 March 2003